
FireIceFlash, week 19/19


It took twenty lifetimes to build, did the shrine. Each life, as I grew weaker, I knew I would be reborn to continue the work, and I never felt any sense of loss. One day I would cease breathing, the angels would come and resurrect me, and the next I would be a young woman, born with the intimate knowledge of what the work required. The angels didn’t need to understand my purpose to know why they helped me, only that it was in their nature to do so. That I was the only human within a hundred thousand light years mattered not at all. That they had never visited Earth even less so. I knew why I toiled, what my purpose was, why I had been created. And so, one bright morning under twin suns as I neared the end of my final lifetime, it was complete. The light was fading from my eyes, but not before I saw the portal open. Not before the first angel drew her scimitar. Not before I heard the first screams.

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